Introduction 15
Table 1-1 lists the primary CLI commands used by Server Administrator. This guide contains a section
for each primary command.
NOTE: omupdate commands are no longer supported in Server Administrator and are replaced by Dell Update
Package or Server Update Utility commands. To update the different components, download the Dell Update Package
and run <package name> /s [/f]. See the Dell Update Packages for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems User’s Guide,
the Dell Update Packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux User’s Guide, or the Server Update Utility User’s Guide for more
information on corresponding CLI syntax.
Additional useful topics about the CLI include:
• Working With CLI Command Results
• Glossary
CLI Error Checking and Error Messages
The CLI checks your commands for correct syntax when you enter them. If you enter a command and the
command is executed successfully, a message displays, stating that your command has been successful.
Success Messages
For a successful omreport command, data about the component displays. When data for the component
displays, your command is successful.
The following omconfig command examples show valid CLI commands and their success messages:
omconfig chassis temps index=0 warnthresh=default
Temperature probe warning threshold value(s) set successfully.
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=speaker setting=on
Table 1-1. CLI Commands and Sections in This Guide
Primary CLI
Section Title Related Sections
omconfig omconfig: Managing Components Using the
Instrumentation Service
omconfig system assetinfo: Editing
Cost of Ownership Values
omhelp omhelp: Getting Help With CLI Commands
omreport omreport: Viewing System Status Using
the Instrumentation Service
omreport rac: Viewing Remote Access
Controller Components