
124 omconfig rac: Managing the Remote Access Controller
Example Commands
The following example sets one name=value pair. Type:
omconfig rac dialoutusers ipaddr=
The following message appears:
Command Successful. Please reset RAC card!
The next example supplies values for all command parameters that you can use with the omconfig rac
dialoutusers command. Type:
omconfig rac dialoutusers ipaddr= index=1
username=sustein password=74chaunu phonenumber=4021027
The following message appears:
Command Successful. Please reset RAC card!
omconfig rac generatecert
Use the omconfig rac generatecert command to generate the certificate signing request (CSR) that you
send to a certificate authority (CA). A certificate authority is a business entity that is recognized in the
IT industry for meeting high standards of reliable screening, identification, and other important security
criteria. Examples of CAs include Thawte and VeriSign. After the CA receives your CSR, they review and
verify the information the CSR contains. If the applicant meets the CA’s security standards, the CA
issues a certificate to the applicant that uniquely identifies that applicant for transactions over networks
and on the Internet.
For the purposes of the RAC, you can use the omconfig rac generatecert command to generate a CSR.
Then you send the CSR in your application to the CA; the CA approves the CSR and sends you a
certificate. Then use the omconfig rac uploadcert command to upload the certificate to the RAC.
Uploading your new certificate replaces the default RAC certificate that you received with your RAC.
NOTE: Whenever you have a fully qualified pathname or filename that contains spaces, you must place double
quotation marks around the string. For example, if your update package is located at c:\security
files\certificates\sslcert.cer, you must place the fully qualified path in double quotations because there is a space
between "security" and "files." The following is an example command using the fully qualified path and filename
enclosed in quotation marks.
omconfig rac generatecert file="c:\security
NOTE: Except for the two-letter country code, all other parameter values are strings. Parameters are required only
if indicated (required).
NOTE: This command makes use of the FTP protocol to communicate with the RAC firmware. The command may
fail if firewall software is installed in the system.
Table 7-4 shows required and optional parameters that are used to generate your CSR.