16 Introduction
BIOS setup configured successfully.
omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation duration=6
Asset information set successfully.
Failure Messages
CLI failure messages provide reasons why some commands do not succeed. Some common reasons why
commands fail include syntax errors and components that are not present. Many error messages provide
syntax information that you can use to execute the command successfully.
If you try to execute a command for a component or feature that is not present in your system
configuration, the error message states that the component is not present.
omreport chassis currents
Example message:
Error! No current probes found on this system.
omconfig chassis volts index=3 minwarnthresh=3.3000
Example message:
Error! Number with up to 3 digits after decimal point expected, read
The value given by the command specifies more than 3 digits after the
decimal point. A valid minimum warning threshold value for volts
contains up to 3 digits after the decimal point.
Ty p e :
omconfig chassis volts index=3 minwarnthresh=3.300
When you enter the revised command with three decimal points, you receive another error message:
Error! This voltage probe min warning threshold must be between
11.400 and 12.480.
Revised command:
omconfig chassis volts index=3 minwarnthresh=11.500
Voltage probe warning threshold(s) set successfully.