162 Using the Storage Management Service
omconfig Restore Dead Segments
Use the following omconfig command syntax to recover data from a RAID 5 virtual disk that has been
corrupted. This task attempts to reconstruct data from a corrupt portion of a physical disk included in a
RAID 5 virtual disk.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage vdisk action=restoresegments controller=id vdisk=id
where id is the controller ID and virtual disk ID as reported by the omreport command. To obtain these
values, enter omreport storage controller to display the controller IDs and then enter omreport storage
vdisk controller=ID to display the IDs for the virtual disks attached to the controller.
Example Syntax
For example, to restore segments on virtual disk 4 on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage vdisk action=restoresegments controller=1 vdisk=4
omconfig Split Mirror
Use the following omconfig command syntax to separate mirrored data originally configured as a
RAID 1, RAID 1–concatenated, or RAID 10 virtual disk. Splitting a RAID 1 or RAID 1–concatenated
mirror creates two concatenated nonredundant virtual disks. Splitting a RAID 10 mirror creates two
RAID 0 (striped) nonredundant virtual disks. Data is not lost during this operation.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage vdisk action=splitmirror controller=id vdisk=id
where id is the controller ID and virtual disk ID as reported by the omreport command. To obtain these
values, enter omreport storage controller to display the controller IDs and then enter omreport storage
vdisk controller=ID to display the IDs for the virtual disks attached to the controller.
Example Syntax
For example, to initiate a split mirror on virtual disk 4 on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage vdisk action=splitmirror controller=1 vdisk=4
omconfig Unmirror
Use the following omconfig command syntax to separate mirrored data and restore one half of the mirror
to free space. Unmirroring a RAID 1 or RAID 1–concatenated virtual disk results in a single,
nonredundant concatenated virtual disk. Unmirroring a RAID 10 virtual disk results in a single,
nonredundant RAID 0 (striped) virtual disk. Data is not lost during this operation. See the online help
for more information about using this command.