
Using the Storage Management Service 135
Using the Storage Management Service
Storage Management has a fully-featured command line interface (CLI) that enables you to perform
all of Storage Management’s reporting, configuration, and management functions from an operating
system command shell. The Storage Management CLI also enables you to script
command sequences.
The Storage Management CLI provides expanded options for the Dell™ OpenManage™ Server
Administrator omreport and omconfig commands. This chapter only documents the omreport and
omconfig commands that apply to Storage Management. See the Dell OpenManage Installation and
Security User's Guide for installation information. See the Storage Management online help and
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Storage Management User’s Guide for more information on
Storage Management.
CLI Command Syntax
Like all the Server Administrator commands, the omreport and omconfig command syntax consists
of specifying command “levels.” The first command level is the command name: omreport or
omconfig. Subsequent command levels provide a greater degree of specificity regarding the type of
object on which the command will operate or the information that the command will display.
For example, the following omconfig command syntax has three levels:
omconfig storage pdisk
The following table describes these command levels.
Following the command levels, the omreport and omconfig command syntax may require one or
more name=value pairs. The name=value pairs specify exact objects (such as a specific physical
disk) or options (such as “blink” or “unblink”) that the command will implement.
Table 8-1. Example Command Levels
Command level 1 Command level 2 Command level 3 Use
omconfig Specifies the command
storage Indicates the Server Administrator service (in
this case, Storage Management) that
implements the command
pdisk Specifies the type of object on which the
command operates