omconfig system assetinfo: Editing Cost of Ownership Values 101
omconfig system assetinfo: Editing Cost of
Ownership Values
omconfig System Asset Info Overview
The omconfig system assetinfo command helps you to edit a comprehensive set of parameters that
make up your system's total cost of ownership. This section explains the parameters that can be
reported and configured under the omconfig system assetinfo command.
Using the omconfig system assetinfo command, you can set governing values for configurable
objects. Examples of assetinfo configuration capabilities include setting values for system owner,
purchase price, details of any lease that is in effect, depreciation methods and rates, and location of the
system, warranty and extended warranty duration, outsourcing details, and service level agreement.
User Level Required for Adding Asset Information
Power Users and Administrators can add and edit asset information.
Adding Acquisition Information
Acquisition refers to the facts about a business entity's purchase or lease of a system. Use the
omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition command to add detailed information about the
purchase or lease of a system. Table 5-1 shows the valid parameters for the command.
Table 5-1. omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition
level 1
level 2
level 3
name=value pair 1 name=value pair 2 Use
costcenter=<text> The name or code for the
business entity that acquired
the system.