omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service 57
attribute=crab setting=enable | disable enable: Enable BIOS console redirection after
system reboot.
disable: Disable BIOS console redirection.
NOTE: The command crab is valid for Dell
PowerEdge x9xx systems only.
attribute=cpuht setting=enable | disable enable: Enable logical processor hyper threading.
disable: Disable logical processor hyper threading.
attribute=cpuvt setting=enable | disable enable: Enable virtualization.
disable: Disable virtualization.
attribute=dbs setting=enable | disable enable: Enables Demand Based Power
Management (DBS) on the system.
disable: Disables DBS on the system.
attribute=diskette setting=off | auto | writeprotect off: Disable the diskette drive.
auto: Auto enable the diskette drive.
: Do not allow writes. Make the
diskette drive read only.
attribute=dualnic setting=off | onpxeboth |
onpxenone | onpxenic1 |
off: The NICs are disabled.
onpxeboth: Both the NICs are PXE enabled.
onpxenone: PXE is not enabled on either of the
onpxenic1: PXE is enabled on NIC 1.
onpxenic2: PXE is enabled on NIC 2.
attribute=extserial setting=com1 | com2 | rad com1: Maps external serial connector to COM 1.
com2: Maps external serial connector to COM 2.
rad: Maps external serial connector to remote
access device.
attribute=fbr setting=9600 | 19200 | 57600 |
9600: Sets the console redirection failsafe baud rate
to 9600 bits per second.
19200: Sets the console redirection failsafe baud rate
to 19200 bits per second.
57600: Sets the console redirection failsafe baud
rate to 57600 bits per second.
115200: Sets the console redirection failsafe baud
rate to 115200 bits per second.
Table 4-2. BIOS Setup (continued)
name=value pair 1
name=value pair 2