Using the Storage Management Service 147
omconfig Rescan Controller
Use the following omconfig command syntax to rescan a controller. See the online help for more
information about using this command.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=rescan controller=id
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller command.
Example Syntax
For example, to rescan controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=rescan controller=1
NOTE: The rescan controller is not supported on non–RAID SCSI and SAS controllers. You must reboot the system
before Storage Management can see configuration changes on non-RAID SCSI controllers.
omconfig Global Rescan Controller
The omconfig storage controller action=globalrescan command was supported in previous releases of
Storage Management. This command has been replaced by the omconfig storage globalinfo action=
globalrescan command. When rescanning all controllers on the system and creating CLI scripts, it is
preferable to use the omconfig storage globalinfo action=globalrescan command.
See the online help for more information about using this command.
action=setcheckconsistency controller=id
rate=<0 to 100>
action=exportlog controller=id
action=importforeignconfig controller=id
action=importrecoverforeignconfig controller=id
action=clearforeignconfig controller=id
action=setpatrolreadmode controller=id
mode=manual | auto | disable
action=startpatrolread controller=id
action=stoppatrolread controller=id
Table 8-16. omconfig Controller Commands (continued)
Required Command Levels (1, 2, 3) Optional name=value pairs