Using the Storage Management Service 167
Example Syntax
For example, to reconfigure virtual disk 4 to a size of 800 MB, use RAID 5 and physical disks 0 through 3
on connector 0 of controller 1. On a SAS controller, the physical disks reside in enclosure 2.
Example for SCSI, SATA, and ATA Controllers:
In this example, enter:
omconfig storage vdisk action=reconfigure controller=1 vdisk=4 raid=r5
size=800m pdisk=0:0,0:1,0:2,0:3
Example for SAS Controllers:
In this example, enter:
omconfig storage vdisk action=reconfigure controller=1 vdisk=4 raid=
r5 pdisk=0:2:0,0:2:1,0:2:2,0:2:3
omconfig Change Virtual Disk Policy
Use the following omconfig command syntax to change a virtual disk’s read, write, or cache policy.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage vdisk action=changepolicy controller=id vdisk=id
[readpolicy=<ra| nra| ara| rc| nrc> | writepolicy=<wb| wt| wc| nwc> |
cachepolicy=<d | c>]
where id is the controller ID and virtual disk ID as reported by the omreport command. To obtain these
values, enter omreport storage controller to display the controller IDs and then enter omreport storage
vdisk controller=ID to display the IDs for the virtual disks attached to the controller.
For information on the controller-specific read, write, and cache policy, see the online help. For
information on how to specify these parameters using the omconfig command, see the following:
• [readpolicy=<ra| nra| ara| rc| nrc>] Parameter (Optional)
• [writepolicy=<wb| wt| wc| nwc | fwb>] Parameter (Optional)
• [cachepolicy=<d | c>] Parameter (Optional)
Example Syntax
For example, to change the read policy of virtual disk 4 on controller 1 to no-read-ahead, enter:
omconfig storage vdisk action=changepolicy controller=1 vdisk=4
omconfig Rename Virtual Disk
Use the following omconfig command syntax to rename a virtual disk.
NOTE: On a CERC SATA 1.5/2s controller, you cannot change the default name of a virtual disk.