128 omconfig rac: Managing the Remote Access Controller
omconfig rac snmptraps
Use the omconfig rac snmptraps command to specify the SNMP trap property values. Table 7-8 shows
the valid parameters for the command.
Example Commands
The following example sets one name=value pair.
Ty p e :
omconfig rac snmptraps ipaddr=123.166.555.216 index=1 community=dell
The following message appears:
Command Successful. Please reset RAC card!
The next example supplies values for all command parameters that you can use with the omconfig rac
snmptraps command. Type:
omconfig rac snmptraps ipaddr=123.166.555.216 index=0 trapsenable=
true community=dell
The following message appears:
Command Successful. Please reset RAC card!
Table 7-8. omconfig rac snmptraps
name=value pair Description
ipaddr=<text> Sets the IP address, which must be specified in dotted-decimal notation.
index=<number:0–15> Sets the SNMP trap index. The index specifies one of the 16 trap "positions" on the RAC.
If an index is not specified for an omconfig rac command, the entry is added to the
next available position on the RAC.
If an index is specified for an omconfig rac command and another entry exists for that
position, the key field parameter is used to decide if the command should be executed.
If the key field supplied by the user matches the key field of the entry on that specific
position of the RAC, the RAC entry is edited. Otherwise, the command fails.
trapsenable=true | false true: Enables SNMP traps.
false: Disables SNMP traps.
community=<text> Sets the community.