188 Working With CLI Command Results
Save Command Results to a File That Can Be Overwritten
Use the -outc option when you want to overwrite data that is stored in previously written files. For
example, at 11:00 A.M. you capture fan probe RPM readings for fan probe 0 on your system and write the
results to a file called fans.txt. You type:
omreport chassis fans index=0 -outc fans.txt
Partial results written to the file are:
Four hours later, you repeat the command. You have no interest in the 11:00 A.M. snapshot as written to
fans.txt. You type the same command:
omreport chassis fans index=0 -outc fans.txt
The 3:00 P.M. data overwrites the 11:00 A.M. data in the fans.txt file.
Fans.txt now reads as follows:
You cannot refer to the previous command results to compare the earlier fan probe 0 output with the
present output because in using the -outc option, you overwrote the fans.txt file.
Probe Name
Minimum Warning Threshold
Maximum Warning Threshold
Minimum Failure Threshold
Maximum Failure Threshold
: 0
: OK
: System Board Fan 1 RPM
: 2380RPM
: 600RPM
: 5700RPM
: 500RPM
: 6000RPM
Probe Name
Minimum Warning Threshold
Maximum Warning Threshold
Minimum Failure Threshold
Maximum Failure Threshold
: 0
: OK
: System Board Fan 1 RPM
: 3001RPM
: 700RPM
: 5500RPM
: 500RPM
: 6000RPM