Tamron MST2000 Satellite Radio User Manual

15. MST2000 Haz ard ous Area In stal la tion
The MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Trans mit ter is Ca na dian Stan dards As -
so ci a tion ap proved for the fol low ing haz ard ous area clas si fi ca tions.
15.1 In trin sically Safe In stal la tions
A. Model MST2100 (NEMA 1): In trin sically Safe for CL. I, Grps. C & D
B. Model MST2400 (NEMA 4X): In trin sically Safe for CL. I, Grps. C & D. CL. II, Grps.
E, F & G
For In trin sically Safe ap pli ca tions, unit must be in stalled per Thermo Brandt in stal la tion draw ing num ber
SC37-4000-00. See Page 29.
In trin sically safe en tity pa ram e ters: Vmax = 40 VDC, Imax = 165mA, Ci = 0uf, Li = 240uH.
Max i mum op er at ing am bi ent tem per a ture: 66 De grees C ( 151 De grees F)
15.2 Di vi sion 2 And Other In stal la tions:
A. Model MST2100 (NEMA 1): CL I, Div. 2, Grps. C & D
B. Model MST2400 (NEMA 4X): CL I, Div. 2 Grps. C & D. CL II, Div. 2 Grps. E, F & G. CL. III, Div. 2
For Di vi sion 2 ap pli ca tions, unit must be in stalled per Ca na dian and/or Na tional Elec tri cal Code re quire -
ments for Di vi sion 2 ar eas. In trin sic safety bar ri ers are not re quired.
Di vi sion 2 power rat ings: Vmax = 40 VDC, Imax = 165mA.
Max i mum op er at ing am bi ent tem per a ture: 66 de grees C (151 De grees F).
OPERATION MANUAL MST2000 Haz ard ous Area In stal la tion
Brandt Instruments, Inc. MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Page 31
Dig i tal I/O Con nec tions for In te gral Blowdown System