Tamron MST2000 Satellite Radio User Manual

Using bi nary di vi sion, di vide the dec i mal word by each bi nary bit value start ing with the most sig -
nif i cant bit value (bit 8 = 128) and then each suc ces sive lower bit.
206 B 128 = 1 with a re main der of 78 ......bit 8 (Watchdog timer fault) = 1
78 B 64 = 1 with a re main der of 14........bit 7 (Hard ware fault) = 1
c. 14 B 32 = 0 with a re main der of 14 ........bit 6 (ISO comm3 er ror) = 0
14 B 16 = 0 with a re main der of 14 ........bit 5 (ISO comm2 er ror) = 0
e. 14 B 8 = 1 with a re main der of 6 ..........bit 4 (ISO comm1 er ror) = 1
6 B 4 = 1 with a re main der of 2 ...........bit 3 (RTD fault) = 1
2 B 2 = 1 with a re main der of 0 ...........bit 2 (Over-range) = 1
0 B 1 = 0 with a re main der of 0 ...........bit 1 (Un der-range) = 0
The dec i mal ALARM ‘STATUS’ WORD of 206 in di cates the fol low ing ac tive alarms:
Watchdog timer fault, Hardware fault, ISO Comm1 error, RTD fault and Over-range.
The following formulas are used in the MST2000 software calculations:
Velocity = × ÷1096845. DP Density
( )
ACFM = × × × ÷Ae 667.657 DP T P
( )
SCFM = × × × ÷Ae DP P T23972 677..
LB / HR = SCFM Standard × ×Density (@ F)
68 60
Ae or Effective Area (sq.ft) = ×Kfactor Nominal Area (sq.ft). Thermo Brandt supplies the
Effective Area (Ae) specification with each of its flowmeters.
6 Ve loc ity is in Feet per Min ute
6 DP (Dif fer en tial Pres sure) is in Inches of Wa ter Col umn
6 T (Tem per a ture) is in de grees Ran kine (de grees Ran kine = de grees Fahr en heit + 459.67)
6 P (Ab so lute pres sure) is in pounds per square inch (PSI)
6 Den sity is in pounds per cu bic foot (Lb/FT
6 Ae (Ef fec tive Area) is in Square Feet.
Met ric Con ver sion Fac tors
Me ters per sec ond x 196.850 = Feet per min ute
Bar x 14.5038 = PSIA
Square me ters x 10.7643 = Square feet
Mil li me ters of wa ter col umn B 25.4 = Inches of Wa ter Col umn
Ki lo grams per hour x 2.205 = Pounds per hour
Ki lo grams per cu bic me ter B 16.0136 = Pounds per cu bic foot.
Cu bic meters per hour x 0.5885 = Cu bic feet per min ute
(De grees C + 273.15) x 1.8 = de grees Ran kine
Ae or Ef fec tive area (in square feet) = Kfactor x Nom i nal Area (square me ters) x 0.0929.
Thermo Brandt sup plies the Ef fec tive Area (Ae) spec i fi ca tion with each of its flowmeters. The
user must con vert to square me ters be fore en ter ing the ef fec tive are pa ram e ter in the ‘E_AREA
pro gram ming menu.
Page 22 MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Brandt Instruments, Inc.