Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center User’s Guide | 23
You will be prompted to confirm your choice to record those tracks.
5. Press Confirm.
NOTE: If the CD in the CD Tray has already been recorded, the Rio
Advanced Digital Audio Center will display the Track X is
already recorded screen and will display the options: Skip this
track, Make a copy of this track, Replace previous recording,
and Cancel recording. Highlight the option you prefer and
press Select on the Navigation Button to proceed.
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center returns to the Now Playing screen.
It displays the selected Track Titles plus their individual Tr ack Ti m e s.
The Status/Feedback Bar displays the CD Artist Name and Tr a ck Tit l e
being recorded with a status bar to indicate the percentage of the track that
has been recorded.
Recording multiple CDs
Recording multiple CDs is a fast way to get your music on the Rio Advanced
Digital Audio Center. Use this option if you want to record a lot of CDs, and you
do not want to select individual tracks to record.
NOTE: The fastest way to record is to record without any music
Follow these steps to record multiple CDs quickly:
1. Press Menu.
2. Select Record from CD in Tray.
3. Select Multiple CDs.
4. This will record the entire CD, open the CD Tray, and record the next CD as
soon as you replace it in the CD Tray, and press the Eject Button.