Time Conversion Charts
Fractions to Decimal
Here are some common photographic fractions in decimal values. All numbers are
rounded to the nearest .0001 or 1/10,000th.
L These times are not Rear Curtain Sync times. These are precision numbers.
Rear Curtain Sync numbers are always less than the exact conversions. Refer to the
Rear Curtain section, Page 33, for more information.
Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal
½ 0.5 seconds 1/180 0.0056 seconds
1/4 0.25 seconds 1/200 0.005 seconds
1/8 0.125 seconds 1/250 0.004 seconds
1/15 0.0667 seconds 1/500 0.002 seconds
1/30 0.0333 seconds 1/1000 0.001 seconds
1/60 0.0167 seconds 1/2000 0.0005 seconds
1/90 0.0111 seconds 1/4000 0.0003 seconds
1/125 0.008 seconds 1/8000 0.0001 seconds
Seconds to Minutes and Hours
Use the following table to help calculate long intervals or delays.
Seconds Minutes Seconds Hours
60 seconds 1 minute 3600 seconds 1 hour
120 seconds 2 minutes 7200 seconds 2 hours
180 seconds 3 minutes 10800 seconds 3 hours
240 seconds 4 minutes 14400 seconds 4 hours
300 seconds 5 minutes 18000 seconds 5 hours
600 seconds 10 minutes 36000 seconds 10 hours
1200 seconds 20 minutes
1800 seconds 30 minutes