Radio Performance
The MultiMAX is an advanced digital radio system. Its true digital technology
guarantees optimum interference rejection while maintaining high performance. As
with all radio devices (cell phones, walkie talkies, cordless sound systems) there are
some situations where performance may be degraded by outside factors. For
maximum radio performance for the MultiMAX, or any radio device, follow the
guidelines below:
• Keep antennas parallel. The antenna radiation and reception pattern is
designed for best performance in this orientation.
• W hile not required for operation, maintaining line of sight between TRANSMIT
and RECEIVE units will give best performance. Radio can work through objects,
but its range may be reduced.
• Mount RECEIVE units away from metal objects. Some metal objects can act as
an antenna. The radio noise in an area may be conducted by the metal and can
reduce the range of a RECEIVE unit which works harder to reject extra noise.
Moving a RECEIVE unit a few inches away from metal, or mounting the unit
such that the antenna is away from or above the metal, will eliminate this issue.
• Mount units away from water. Water absorbs radio energy. If shooting around
water-filled objects try to maintain line of sight between units whenever possible.
Sources of water that might affect a unit’s range are:
• Trees – if shooting in a large forest with many trees, try to maintain line of
• People – mount RECEIVE units above the heads of large crowds and use
TRANSMIT units in the camera’s hot shoe whenever possible
• Rain – Heavy downpours may affect range
• Large metal and concrete structures affect radio. Attempting to trigger through
large metal or concrete objects or buildings will result in a reduction in range.
Try to mount RECEIVE units in windows for best performance when shooting
• Flash pack mounting – mount the RECEIVE unit with the antenna completely
above the top of the body of the flash unit. Keep the antenna away from the
metal in a flash unit
If you are experiencing range problems and you have followed the guidelines above,
try moving the RECEIVE unit a few inches in any direction. Radio reflections from
surrounding objects can sometimes cause nodes, or “dead spots.” Relocating the
RECEIVE unit just a few inches from these spots can dramatically improve range.
ë Visit http://www.pocketwizard.com/
for more troubleshooting information. As more
information becomes available it will be posted there. Be sure to check out the
Frequently Asked Questions section on the website.