Harmony Pitch makes a copy of the incoming signal, and then changes the pitch of the
copied note to a diatonically correct interval specified by the Amount parameter. A
Harmony Pitch effect sharpens or flattens the shifted pitch in order to keep the specified
interval within the selected key and scale creating a true harmony.
Shift Amount
Selects the amount or harmony interval for the Harmony Pitch effect. Interval choices include:
OCT DN (octave down)
7TH DN (a seventh below)
6TH DN (a sixth below)
5TH DN (a fifth below)
4TH DN (a fourth below)
3RD DN (a third below)
2ND DN (a second below)
2ND UP (a second above)
3RD UP (a third above)
4TH UP (a fourth above)
5TH UP (a fifth above)
6TH UP (a sixth above)
7TH UP (a seventh above)
OCT UP (an octave above)
Selects the musical key that Harmony Pitch uses. Key choices range from the Key of E
through the Key of Eb.
Selects the scale the Harmony Pitch will use. Scale choices include:
Major (MAJOR)
Minor (MINOR)
Dorian (DORIAN)
Mixolydian (MIXOLYDAN)
Lydian (LYDIAN)
Harmonic Minor (HARM MINOR)
Adjusts the level of all the pitch-altering effects in this module. Ranges from 0 to 99.
Based on the Boss
OC-2 Octaver
, this model adds two signals to your original guitar
signal. The first is one octave below your guitar, and the second is two octaves below your
guitar. Each additional signal has its own volume control. Parameters include:
Adjusts the the volume of the signal 1 octave below the input signal. Ranges from 0 to
Octave 2
Controls the volume of the signal 2 octaves below the input signal. Ranges 0 to 99.
Dry Level
Controls the volume of the dry signal. Ranges from 0 to 99.
GSP0 Owner’s Manual
The Edit Effects/Preset Screen