C1697M-B (11/08) 95
Recording Schedule Setup
By default, the DVR5100 is configured to record video from all cameras, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for three individual schedules: continuous,
motion, and alarm. To optimize your storage capacity:
• Set up schedules to activate recording for specific cameras on certain dates and times.
• Set up a recording schedule that is activated when specific events occur. For example, you might create a recording based on alarms
related to a specific camera or motion detection on certain cameras. You can create a recording based on event groups through the
DVR5100 remote client.
NOTE: The motion schedule is not activated unless the Activate Zone check box is selected in the Cameras > Motion screen. The alarm schedule
is not activated unless you have correctly configured the alarm inputs (by default, alarm input 1 is associated with camera 1, but this association
can be changed on the Alarms tab).
You must configure event groups, alarms, or motion detection settings before you include them in recording schedules (refer to Figure 107).
Figure 107. Recording Schedule Screen