
C1697M-B (11/08) 17
Before you start using the system, review these topics to help you understand tools, techniques, and how to navigate in the application screen.
ToolTips help you learn the name and function of each button. Place your mouse pointer above any button in the interface and a ToolTip appears.
Some functions in the DVR5100 remote client are available only through shortcut menus. To access the shortcut menus, right-click in the
navigational, contents, or workspace tab for that location. Submenus appear for items containing an arrow indicator.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Throughout the interface, there are keyboard shortcuts to access frequently used functions quickly without using a mouse or navigating through
menus (refer to Table C). To use a keyboard shortcut, hold down the appropriate function key(s), while pressing the shortcut key.
Table C. Remote Client Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut Operation
Ctrl+1 Single (1 x 1) layout
Ctrl+2 2 x 2 layout
Ctrl+3 3 x 3 layout
Ctrl+4 4 x 4 layout
Ctrl+5 1 + 5 layout
Ctrl+6 1 + 12 layout
Ctrl+7 2 + 8 layout
Ctrl+E Switch to Extended View
Ctrl+L Display the System Log screen
Ctrl+Alt+A Display Alarm Manager screen
Ctrl+Alt+E Display Export Manager
Ctrl+Alt+L Display Add Entry to System Log
Ctrl+Alt+M Display “Modify the current workspace”
Ctrl+Alt+R Display Select/Activate Relay
Ctrl+Alt+S Display Select/Activate Script
Ctrl+Alt+V Display Audio Volume
Ctrl+Shift+E Display Enhanced Search workspace
Ctrl+Shift+S Display Setup screen
R Start recording
F1 Show Help