
C1697M-B (11/08) 63
Working with Devices
The DVR5100 is designed for future expansion into a fully distributed virtual matrix. All attributes are designed to be virtual. Alarms, cameras,
the DVR5100, and so forth, are treated as individual entities that make integration into a virtual matrix seamless.
Table H. Devices
Device Icon Description
Alarm Array
An external device input to the DVR5100, indicating an active alarm event. The DVR5100 can be configured
to respond in different ways to a minor, normal, major, or critical alarm event. For information about alarms,
refer to Alarm Array on page 75.
An external video device. This device provides input to the DVR5100. Depending on the model, a camera can
provide various operating features. Typically, a camera provides the following features:
Video input
Bi-directional communication with the DVR5100 for control and operation
System settings that allow you to configure EnduraStor
and other system options. By default, EnduraStor is
Relay Array
An internal DVR5100 relay output. The DVR5100 provides up to four relays: two relays for a 4-channel
DVR5100 and four relays for an 8-channel or a 16-channel DVR5100.
System Log Device
An internal device. The DVR5100 maintains a system log that provides an overview of daily system events.
An entry is automatically written in the system log each time a user logs on to the system. Other entries
track alarms that occur throughout the day, diagnostic information about devices, and so forth. You can also
make manual entries in the system log from different locations in the system. A system log can become
quite large if it is not managed properly. You can control how much information is written in the log, how
often information is deleted from the log, and where the log is stored.