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To query the logs by other filters:
1. Click “Display system log” to open the System Log screen.
2. Click the Modify button. The System Log Filters screen appears.
Figure 60. Filters for a System Log Search
3. The default setting is to search the log for all text, users, device types, alarm types, and devices. To restrict your search results, click the
appropriate check box to clear the “Query all” setting.
4. Filtering by text is especially useful for locating manually added log entries when you know the word or phrase used to describe an
incident. To add text filters, click the “Query all text” check box to clear it, and then enter the text you want to locate in your search.
5. Filtering by users is useful for investigating the activities of an individual user or users. To add user filters, click the “Query all users” check
box to clear it, and then click the check boxes beside the user names you want to include in your search.
6. Filtering by device type is useful for checking on the performance of a particular category of device, such as cameras or alarms. To add
device type filters, click the “Query all device types” check box to clear it, and then click the check box for each device type you want to
include in your search.
7. Filtering by alarms is useful for verifying the status of alarm-triggering events. By default, events triggered by all alarm types are included
in the log. To add specific alarm type filters, click the “Query all alarm types” check box to clear it, and then click the check box for each
alarm type you want to include in your search. Options are available for input alarms, diagnostic messages, and video motion alarms.
8. Filtering by device is useful for checking on the performance of a specific device.
a. To add device filters, select the devices in the left-hand panel you want to add, and then click Add >>.
b. To remove device filters, select the devices in the right-hand panel you want to remove, and then click << Remove.
9. When you have finished modifying the filters, click OK to close the System Log Filters screen.
10. Click Search log on the System Log screen.