
BitDefender detects incomplete virus bodies, too, thus
removing any possible threat that could affect your
system's security.
Scans for adware threats. Detected files will be treated
as infected. The software that includes adware
Scan for adware
components might stop working if this option is
Scans for known spyware threats. Detected files will
be treated as infected.
Scan for spyware
Scans applications (.exe and .dll files).Scan for application
Scans for applications dialing high-cost numbers.
Detected files will be treated as infected. The software
Scan for dialers
that includes dialer components might stop working
if this option is enabled.
Scans for hidden objects (files and processes),
generally known as rootkits.
Scan for rootkits
Specify the type of objects to be scanned (archives, e-mail messages and so on)
and other options. This is made through the selection of certain options from Virus
scanning options category.
The following options are available:
All accessed files will be scanned, regardless
of their type.
Scan all filesScan files
Only the program files will be scanned. This
means only the files with the following
Scan program files
extensions: exe; bat; com; dll; ocx; scr;
bin; dat; 386; vxd; sys; wdm; cla; class;
ovl; ole; exe; hlp; doc; dot; xls; ppt; wbk;
wiz; pot; ppa; xla; xlt; vbs; vbe; mdb; rtf;
htm; hta; html; xml; xtp; php; asp; js; shs;
chm; lnk; pif; prc; url; smm; pdf; msi; ini;
csc; cmd; bas; eml and nws.
BitDefender Antivirus 2008