3.1. Antivirus Status Button
If the antivirus status button is green, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, if the
button is yellow, red or gray, there is a medium or high security risk your computer is
exposed to.
The color of the status buttons can change not only when you configure the settings
that might affect your computer's security, but when you forget to do important tasks.
For example, if your last system scan is old, the security status button will be yellow.
If it is very old, it will be red.
The table below will provide you with information about what elements are taken into
account when calculating the security risk.
YellowThe last system scan is old
RedThe last system scan is very old
RedThe real-time protection is disabled
YellowThe antivirus protection level is set to permissive
To fix the issues, follow these steps:
1. Click the antivirus status button.
2. Click either the Fix buttons to fix them one by one or the Fix All Now button to fix
them all at once.
3. If one issue is not fixed on the spot, follow the wizard to fix it.
3.2. Antiphising Status Button
If the antiphising status button is green, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, if
the button is red, there is a high security risk your computer is exposed to.
The table below will provide you with information about what elements are taken into
account when calculating the security risk.
GreenThe antiphising protection is enabled
RedThe antiphising protection is disabled
Security Status
BitDefender Antivirus 2008