BitDefender and BitDefender logos are trademarks of BITDEFENDER. All other
trademarks used in the product or in associated materials are the property of their
respective owners.
The license will terminate immediately without notice if you are in breach of any of its
terms and conditions. You shall not be entitled to a refund from BITDEFENDER or
any resellers of BitDefender as a result of termination. The terms and conditions
concerning confidentiality and restrictions on use shall remain in force even after any
BITDEFENDER may revise these Terms at any time and the revised terms shall
automatically apply to the corresponding versions of the Software distributed with the
revised terms. If any part of these Terms is found void and unenforceable, it will not
affect the validity of rest of the Terms, which shall remain valid and enforceable.
In case of controversy or inconsistency between translations of these Terms to other
languages, the English version issued by BITDEFENDER shall prevail.
Contact BITDEFENDER, at 5, Fabrica de Glucoza street, 72322-Sector 2, Bucharest,
Romania, or at Tel No: 40-21-2330780 or Fax:40-21-2330763, e-mail address:
License and Warranty
BitDefender Antivirus 2008