
clear port type 61
clear port type Removes all configuration settings from a port and resets the port as a
network port.
CAUTION: When you clear a port, MSS ends user sessions that are using
the port.
clear port type port-list
port-list — List of physical ports. MSS resets and removes the
configuration from all the specified ports.
Defaults — The cleared port becomes a network port but is not placed
in any VLANs.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — Use this command to change a port back to a network port. All
configuration settings specific to the port type are removed. For example,
if you clear an MAP access point port, all MAP-specific settings are
removed. Table 10 lists the default network port settings that MSS applies
when you clear a port’s type.
Table 10 Network port defaults
Port Parameter Setting
VLAN membership None.
Note: Although the command changes a port to a
network port, the command does not place the port
in any VLAN. To use the port in a VLAN, you must
add the port to the VLAN.
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Based on the VLAN(s) you add the port to.
802.1X No authorization.
Port groups None.
Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP) snooping
Enabled as port is added to VLANs.
Access point and radio
Not applicable
Maximum user sessions Not applicable