
set {ap | dap} upgrade-firmware 275
set {ap | dap}
Disables or reenables automatic upgrade of an MAP access point’s boot
set {ap port-list | dap dap-num}
upgrade-firmware {enable | disable}
ap port-list — List of ports connected to the MAP access point(s) on
which to allow automatic firmware upgrades.
dap dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP on which to allow
automatic firmware upgrades.
enableEnables automatic firmware upgrades.
disableDisables automatic firmware upgrades.
Defaults — Automatic firmware upgrades of MAP access points are
enabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — When the feature is enabled on an WX port, an MAP access
point connected to that port upgrades its boot firmware to the latest
version stored on the WX switch while booting.
Examples — The following command disables automatic firmware
upgrades on the MAP access point connected to port 6:
WX1200# set ap 6 upgrade-firmware disable
See Also
“display {ap | dap} config” on page 234
set radio-profile
Configures each 802.11b/g radio in a radio profile to allow associations
with 802.11g clients only.
set radio-profile name 11g-only {enable | disable}
name — Radio profile name.
enable Configures radios to allow associations with 802.11g
clients only.