rollback security acl 379
results show that 916 packets matching security acl_153 were sent since
the ACL was mapped.
WX4400# hit-sample-rate 15
WX4400# display security acl info acl_153
ACL information for acl_153
set security acl ip acl_153 (hits #3 916)
1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
WX4400# display security acl hits
ACL hit counters
Index Counter ACL-name
----- -------------------- -----------
1 0 acl_2
2 0 acl_175
3 916 acl_153
See Also
■ “display security acl hits” on page 371
■ “display security acl info” on page 372
rollback security acl Clears changes made to the security ACL edit buffer since it was last
saved. The ACL is rolled back to its state after the last commit security
acl command was entered. All uncommitted ACLs in the edit buffer are
Syntax —
rollback security acl {acl-name | all}
■ acl-name — Name of an existing security ACL to roll back. ACL names
must start with a letter and are case-insensitive.
■ all — Rolls back all security ACLs in the edit buffer, clearing all
uncommitted ACEs.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following commands show the edit buffer before a
rollback, clear any changes in the edit buffer to security acl_122, and
show the edit buffer after the rollback: