Default — All traps are disabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You can enable or disable the linkup and linkdown traps on an
individual port basis with the set port trap command. The individual port
setting overrides the global setting.
Examples — The following command disables all traps:
WX4400# set snmp trap disable all
success: change accepted.
The following command reenables authentication traps:
WX4400# set snmp trap enable AuthenTraps
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “clear snmp trap receiver” on page 114
■ “display snmp configuration” on page 127
MobilityDomainJoinTraps Generated when the WX switch is initially
able to contact a mobility domain seed
member, or can contact the seed member
after a timeout.
MobilityDomainTimeoutTraps Generated when a timeout occurs after a
radio device has unsuccessfully tried to
communicate with a seed member.
MAPBootTraps Generated when a MAP boots.
MAPTimeoutTraps Generated when a MAP fails to respond to
the radio device.
PoEFailTraps Generated when a serious PoE problem,
such as a short circuit, occurs.
RFDetectAdhocUserTraps Generated when MSS detects an ad-hoc
RFDetectRogueAPTraps Generated when MSS detects a rogue access
RFDetectRogueDisappearTraps Generated when a rogue access point is no
longer being detected.
Table 35 SNMP Trap Names (continued)
Name Description