set radio-profile auto-tune power-backoff- timer 279
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — 3Com recommends that you use an interval of at least 300
seconds (5 minutes).
RF Auto-Tuning can change a radio’s channel before the channel interval
expires in response to RF anomalies. Even in this case, channel changes
cannot occur more frequently than the channel holddown interval.
If you set the interval to 0, RF Auto-Tuning does not reevaluate the
channel at regular intervals. However, RF Auto-Tuning can still change the
channel in response to RF anomalies.
Examples — The following command sets the channel interval for radios
in radio profile rp2 to 2700 seconds (45 minutes):
WX4400# set radio-profile rp2 auto-tune channel-interval 2700
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “set radio-profile auto-tune channel-config” on page 276
■ “set radio-profile auto-tune channel-holddown” on page 277
set radio-profile
Sets the interval at which radios in a radio profile reduce power after
temporarily increasing the power to maintain the minimum data rate for
an associated client. At the end of each power-backoff interval, radios
that temporarily increased their power reduce it by 1 dBm. The power
backoff continues in 1 dBm increments after each interval until the power
returns to expected setting.
Syntax —
set radio-profile name auto-tune power-backoff-timer
■ name — Radio profile name.
■ seconds — Number of seconds radios wait before lowering the power
by 1 dBm. You can specify from 0 to 65535 seconds.
Defaults — The default power-backoff interval is 10 seconds.
Access — Enabled.