set ip https server 139
Syntax — set ip dns server ip-addr {primary | secondary}
■ ip-addr — IP address of a DNS server, in dotted decimal or CIDR
■ primary — Makes the server the primary server, which MSS always
consults first for resolving DNS queries.
■ secondary — Makes the server a secondary server. MSS consults a
secondary server only if the primary server does not reply.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
Usage — You can configure a WX switch to use one primary DNS server
and up to five secondary DNS servers.
Examples — The following commands configure a WX switch to use a
primary DNS server and two secondary DNS servers:
WX1200# set ip dns server primary
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set ip dns server secondary
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set ip dns server secondary
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “clear ip dns domain” on page 110
■ “clear ip dns server” on page 111
■ “display ip dns” on page 120
■ “set ip dns” on page 137
■ “set ip dns domain” on page 138
set ip https server Disables or reenables the HTTPS server on a wireless LAN switch.
CAUTION: If you disable the HTTPS server, Web Manager access to the
WX switch is also disabled.