crypto generate request 393
■ ssh — Generates an administrative key pair for authenticating the WX
switch to Secure Shell (SSH) clients.
■ webaaa — Generates an administrative key pair for authenticating the
WX switch to Web AAA clients.
■ 512 | 1024 | 2048 — Length of the key pair in bits.
The minimum key size for SSH is 1024.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You can overwrite a key by generating another key of the same
Examples — To generate an administrative key for use with 3WXM, type
the following command:
WX4400# crypto generate key admin 1024
key pair generated
crypto generate
Generates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). This command outputs a
PEM-formatted PKCS #10 text string that you can cut and paste to
another location for delivery to a certificate authority.
This command generates either an administrative CSR for use with
3WXM and Web Manager, or an EAP CSR for use with 802.1X clients.
Syntax —
crypto generate request {admin | eap | webaaa}
■ admin — Generates a request for an administrative certificate to
authenticate the WX switch to 3WXM or Web Manager.
■ eap — Generates a request for an EAP certificate to authenticate the
WX switch to 802.1X supplicants (clients).
■ webaaa — Generates a request for a Web AAA certificate to
authenticate the WX switch to Web AAA clients.