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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
airClient™ Nexus PRO TOTAL User Guide
1.2. Checklists
Pre-Installation Checklist for airClient Nexus PRO TOTAL
Organization Name/Site Name
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Site Survey and Link Planning
Parameters Units Site A Site B
1 Regulatory Standard to be followed For example, FCC, ETSI,
2 Frequency Band 2.4GHz
3 Maximum Output Power as per the
Regulatory Authority
4 Latitude Deg Min Sec
5 Longitude Deg Min Sec
6 UPS Installed Yes/No
7 UPS specification if any KVA
8 Line Voltage 90V-264V AC,50-60 Hz
9 Near Line of site between sites Yes/No
10 Height of tower Feet/Meters
11 Repeater required to achieve a link Yes/No
12 If Repeater required, then reason why For example, to achieve
long distance/LOS etc
13 No. of repeaters required No
14 Required Throughput Mbps
15 Gain of antenna dBi
(Internal antenna dBi is 15
for 802.11b/g and 17 for
16 Antenna Polarization Horizontal/Vertical
17 Distance between sites Miles/km
18 Antenna Type (if using external antenna) Parabolic/sector
19 Antenna Mfg. (if using external antenna) smartBridges/Name of
other manufacturer
Horizontal – deg
20 Beam width of antenna (if using external
Vertical – deg