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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
airClient™ Nexus PRO TOTAL User Guide
Figure 2-30 Authentications between the supplicant and the Authentication server
The wireless client (laptop) is known as the Supplicant. The access point is known as the Authenticator
and the RADIUS server is known as the Authentication server.
Follow the steps below for Configuring the WPA2-RADIUS:
1. Click the ‘Security’ link from the ‘Radio Main’ page.
2. Select the WPA2-RADIUS from the drop down menu of the Security Mode.
3. Enter the User id and the Password in the dialog box provided.
4. In order to validate the certificates, click on the validate certificate radio button ( ). A dialog
appears with a browser button, which you can use to browse for the certificates on your local
Figure 2-31: WPA2-RADIUS