■ General report format
You can program whether or not to skip the following items in the general report.
Program each item as follows:
• DEPARTMENT (Use the selective entry)
SKIP: Skips department data in the general report.
NOT SKIP: Does not skip department data in the general
• TRANSACTION (Use the selective entry)
SKIP: Skips transaction data in the general report.
NOT SKIP: Does not skip transaction data in the general
• TAX SALE (Use the selective entry)
SKIP: Skips tax data in the general report.
NOT SKIP: Does not skip tax data in the general report.
• CID (Use the selective entry)
SKIP: Skips cash-in-drawer data in the general report.
NOT SKIP: Does not skip cash-in-drawer data in the
general report.
■ Hourly report
You can program the memory type and the starting time for the hourly report.
Program each item as follows:
• MEMORY TYPE (Use the selective entry)
15MIN: Selects the 15-minute type.
30MIN: Selects the 30-minute type.
60MIN: Selects the 60-minute type.
• STARTING TIME (Use the numeric entry)
Starting time entry (max. 2 digits: 0 to 23)