■ Clerk
Program each item as follows:
• SECRET CODE (Use the numeric entry)
Secret code (max. 4 digits: 0001 to 9999/0000)
• NAME (Use the character entry)
Name for the clerk. Up to 12 characters can be entered.
• KEY No. (Use the numeric entry)
Key number (0 through 255)
The entry of “0” disables the use of real clerk keys.
• SUPERVISOR CLERK (Use the selective entry)
YES: Enables supervisor clerk.
NO: Disables supervisor clerk.
• VIP SALE (Use the selective entry)
DISABLE: Disables VIP sale.
ENABLE: Enables VIP sale.
• GLU SYSTEM (Use the selective entry)
GLU (PBLU): Makes GLU (PBLU) system
DRIVE THRU: Makes drive-through compulsory.
NON-COMPULSORY: Makes GLU (PBLU)/drive-through
system non-compulsory.
• G.C. COPY (Use the selective entry)
DISABLE: Disables guest check copy.
ENABLE: Enables guest check copy.
• VAT SHIFT (Use the selective entry)
STATE: Enables VAT shift entry.
NOT: Disables VAT shift entry.
• PRICE LEVEL (Use the selective entry)
Selected price level
(PRICE1 through PRICE7)
• DRAWER No. (Use the selective entry)
• START CODE(GLU) (Use the numeric entry)
Starting GLU/PBLU code (1 to 99999999)
• END CODE(GLU) (Use the numeric entry)
Ending GLU/PBLU code (1 to 99999999)
The screen continues.