Chapter 2
Topics covered in this chapter:
¨ Mount the
9739 MVD transmitter to a wall
¨ Mount the 9739 MVD transmitter to an instrument pole
¨ Rotate the user interface on the electronics module (optional)
Mount the 9739 MVD transmitter to a wall
• Use four 5/16-inch diameter (or M8) bolts and nuts that can withstand the process environment. Micro Motion does
not supply bolts or nuts (appropriate bolts and nuts are available as an option).
• Ensure that the surface is at and rigid, does not vibrate, or move excessively.
Mount the transmitter, using Figures 2-1 and 2-2 as guides.
To minimize stress on the housing, secure all four mounting bolts to the same structure. Do not secure bolts to separate
girders, beams, or wall studs, which can move independently.