November 6 2014 – Revision 2.1
Page 56 of 77
3M™ Drive-Thru Systems Model G5 and Model XT-1
Operating Instructions
G5 Headset Indicator Light Modes
Off (no light) Indicates power is off.
Headset is in sleep / hibernate mode. Picking up (or moving) the headset
awakens it and the headset will begin to sign on to the base.
Headset was signed on, and then went to SLEEP (lights off after 5 minutes of
inactivity). When the headset is moved, it wakes up to SOLID GREEN
Headset was signed on, and then went to SLEEP and then HIBERNATE (total 10
minutes of inactivity). When the headset is moved, it wakes up to Flashing Green
(see below)
Headset battery is completely out of charge or dead.
Solid Green Headset is signed on, Lane 1, no car present, standby
Solid Red/Green Headset is signed on, Lane 2, no car present, standby
Solid Red Headset is in transmitting mode, ie, headset microphone is live. Either Order
Taking, or Page mode
Flashing Red/Green Headset has not registered, but found an open base to which it will try to register.
Flashing Green
(immediately after power on)
Headset is registered but has not yet synchronized or signed on to the base
Headset is out of range of basestation
Flashing Red/Green Headset is not registered and has not found a base station.
Steadily Flashing Red Headset is the active order taker, but the outbound talk to the customer is muted.
Single Red Flash
(changed from flashing green)
Short red flash – Battery is inserted
Headset is powering up from Hibernate
Slightly longer red flash – Headset signs on to the base (as it transitions from
flashing green to solid green)
Alternating Flashing Green and Red Page Monitor Mode.
Red – (Red+Green) – Red – Green -
Red – (Red+Green) – Red – Green..
Headset registered to four base stations.
Perform the following procedure to clear the headset registration data:
1. Hold down the top end of Volume Control zone with your
thumb till you see a Blue light on the end of the mic boom.
2. Remove your thumb from the Volume Control zone
3. While the Blue light is still on perform the following sequence in a smooth
4. Tap the T1 touch zone 2 times.
5. Then, tap the T2 touch zone 2 times
6. The Headset LED will blink Red+Green three times and will
announce "Powering Off". The headset registration data is
now cleared.
7. The Headset will momentarily turn off and power back again