3M™ Drive-Thru Systems Model G5 and Model XT-1
Operating Instructions
November 6 2014 – Revision 2.1
Page 31 of 77
3M™ Drive Thru Headset G5
This chapter provides instructions for using the 3M™ Drive Thru Headset G5 with a
3M™ Drive-Thru basestation after the system has been installed, configured, and
powered on.
Assembling a 3M™ Drive Thru Headset G5
The components that make up a 3M™ Drive Thru Headset G5 are packaged and shipped
as individual parts:
3M™ Control Pod, G5 (includes a pack of ID Tags)
3M™ Carrier, G5 (includes a pack of ID Tags) and
3M™ Battery, G5
Use the instructions below to assemble these parts to make a fully functional headset.
Installing ID Tags
In 3M
drive-thru systems with Reminder and Alert features in V5 release software
installed, you can (by installing ID tags on each headset ) easily
- Assign and identify headsets to crew members
- Attend to hygiene concerns
Each Control Pod and Carrier shipped has a bag enclosed with 8 different colored tags
that can be interchanged by the staff. The Control Pod and Carrier come pre-installed
with Black ID Tags. The colors included in the bag are:
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Black, White, Orange
Follow the procedure below to install ID Tags:
• Remove the existing ID Tag from the Control Pod and Carrier as shown below
• Replace this Tag with one of your choice from the bag of ID Tags
Assembling the Control Pod and Carrier
Follow the procedure below to assemble the Control Pod and Carrier to form a fully
functional headset