RMS Scheduling
7.1 Introduction
The Partition Manager (see Section 4.4) is responsible for scheduling resource requests
and enforcing usage limits. This chapter describes the RMS scheduling policies and
explains how the Partition Manager responds to resource requests.
7.2 Scheduling Policies
The scheduling policy in use on a partition is controlled by the type attribute of the
partition. The type attribute can take one of four values:
login Normal UNIX time-sharing applies. This scheduling policy is used for
partitions that do not run parallel programs, such as interactive login
In addition, RMS supports load-balanced sequential processing,
whereby users can request to have sequential programs executed on a
lightly loaded node. Load balancing is enabled on a per-partition basis
by an entry in the partitions table (see Section 10.2.16). rmsexec
(see Page 5-39) can be used to run a program with load balancing.
parallel A gang scheduling policy is used. This is for partitions intended for
production runs of parallel programs. With gang scheduling, the
scheduling decisions apply to all processes in a parallel program
RMS Scheduling 7-1