Listing of Tables
10.2.22 The Switch Boards Table
The switch_boards shown in Table 10.30, contains one entry for each switch board in
the Compaq AlphaServer SC Interconnect. It is created and maintained by the Switch
Network Manager, swmgr (see Section 4.5).
Table 10.30: Switch Boards Table
Field Type Description
name char(8) board name
module char(16) name of module containing the board
layer 0–31 layer (or rail) number
slot 0–31 slot number in the module
type char(16) board type, such as QM401 or QM402
status char(8) board status (ok, absent, unknown, error)
environment char(32) temperature data from thermistors on the board
10.2.23 The Transactions Table
Changes to the state of the machine are made through a request entered in the
transactions table shown in Table 10.31. This table records who made each change,
when it was made and whether or not the operation was successful.
The Transaction Log Manager, tlogmgr (see Section 4.6), actions requests in the
transactions table, running commands on the user’s behalf (in practice, the user here
is a system administrator). This mechanism provides an audit trail, and sequential
ordering of changes in state.
Table 10.31: Transaction Log Table
Field Type Description
name char(16) name of the service
status char(16) transaction status
ctime UTC creation time
mtime UTC last modification time
handle int unique identifier for the transaction
logfile char(32) stdout or stderr log for the transaction
username char(16) user issuing the command
args text arguments for the command
Valid values for the transaction status field are given in Table B.8.
The RMS Database 10-23