
Operational State
The following tables hold details of the current state of the machine.
events records changes to the state of the machine
event handlers lists the handlers used to act on events
attributes holds site-specific attribute-value pairs
fields specifies how objects and attributes may be modified
servers holds details on each daemon (hostname, port number, pid)
transactions records requests to change the machine configuration
software products describes the components of each software product
installed components describes the components installed on each node
User Details
The following tables contain information about the users of the RMS: their privileges
and priorities and their usage of the system.
users lists the projects to which users belong
projects lists the projects
access controls describes limits on user access to resources
resources describes the allocation of resources to users
jobs describes the users’ jobs
accounting statistics contains an accounting record for each resource
Configuration of the Network
The following tables describe the network components. Definitions of terms used in
describing the Compaq AlphaServer SC Interconnect can be found in
Appendix A (Compaq AlphaServer SC Interconnect Terms).
elans records the position and state of the Elan network adapters
elites records the position and state of the Elite switches
switch boards records the position and state of each switch board
link errors logs network errors
Internal Tables
The RMS database includes a number of tables that are mainly used internally. These
are noted in this chapter as being of internal use but are not described in any detail.
The RMS Database 10-3