
msqladmin – Perform administrative operations on the mSQL database server
msqladmin [-q] [-f
confFile] [-h host] command
-f confFile Specify a non-default configuration file to be loaded. The default
action is to load the standard configuration file located in
-h host Specify a remote hostname or IP address on which the mSQL server
(msql2d) is running. The default is to connect to a server on the
localhost using a UNIX domain socket rather than TCP/IP (which
gives better performance).
-q Put msqladmin into quiet mode. If this flag is specified, msqladmin
will not prompt the user to verify dangerous actions (such as dropping
a database).
msqladmin is used to perform administrative operations on an mSQL database server.
Such tasks include the creation of databases, performing server shutdowns and so on.
The available commands for msqladmin are:
create db_name
Creates a new database called db_name.
drop db_name Removes the database called db_name from the server. This will also
delete all data contained in the database specified.
shutdown Terminates the mSQL server.
reload Forces the server to reload ACL information.
version Displays version and configuration information about the currently
running server.
RMS Commands 5-9