
The attribute cpu-poll-stats-interval specifies the interval between successive
polls for gathering node statistics. The interval is specified in seconds and must be in
the range 0 to 86400 (1 day).
The attribute rms-keep-core determines whether core files are deleted or saved. By
default, it is set to 1 so that core files are saved. Change this to 0 to delete core files. The
attribute local-corepath specifies the directory in which core files are saved. By
default, it is set to /local/core/rms.
The following command line creates a partition called par1 with eight nodes called
atlas1, atlas2 and so on in the configuration called day.
# rcontrol create partition=par1 configuration=day nodes=’atlas[1-8]’
The partition is started and stopped as follows:
# rcontrol start partition = par1
# rcontrol stop partition = par1
Stopping the partition in this way will leave the jobs running. Alternatives are to wait
for them to exit or to kill them.
# rcontrol stop partition = par1 option = wait
# rcontrol stop partition = par1 option = kill
If the system has several operating configurations, for example, one for the prime shift
(called day) and another for evening and weekends (called night) then the set of
partitions making up a configuration can be started and stopped together:
# rcontrol stop configuration = day
# rcontrol start configuration = night
To suspend or resume the jobs running on a specified resource:
# rcontrol suspend resource = 2212
# rcontrol resume resource = 2212
To set the priority of a resource:
# rcontrol set resource = 2212 priority = 4
To kill the jobs running on some specified resources:
5-30 RMS Commands