Listing of Tables
The partitions table shown in Table 10.22, describes how nodes are allocated to
partitions in each of the configurations. It also contains scheduling parameters (see also
Section 7.3) for each partition.
The entries in the partitions table are created by rcontrol. The information is
updated by the Partition Manager, pmanager, as it starts.
Table 10.22: Partitions Table
Field Type Description
name char(16) name of the partition, such as par
configuration char(16) name of the configuration, such as day
nodes text list of nodes in the partition
configured_nodes text list of nodes configured into the partition
cpus int number of CPUs configured in
freecpus int number of free CPUs
active 0 | 1 whether partition is active (1) or not (0)
startTime UTC time partition was last started
status char(16) status of the partition
timelimit int time limit in seconds for a parallel job
type char(16) partition type (parallel, login, general,
timeslice int time slice interval in seconds
mincpus int minimum number of CPUs that can be allo-
memlimit int default memory limit in megabytes
Partition names do not have to be unique but the combination of a partition and a
configuration name must be unique. For example, there may be a partition named
login in two different configurations, each with a different set of values in the
partitions table.
Valid values for the status of the partition are shown in Table B.6.
The type field controls how jobs are scheduled on the partition (see also Section 7.2). If
the partition type is parallel then it is exclusively for gang-scheduled parallel
programs. Partitions of type login support interactive logins and load-balanced
sequential program execution. Partitions of type general support login shells,
load-balanced sequential program execution and parallel programs. Partitions of type
batch are under the exclusive control of a batch system. The batch system can use them
for sequential or parallel jobs but interactive use is prohibited.
The freecpus field stores the count of the number of CPUs available in the partition. It
is updated by the pmanager each time CPUs are allocated or freed.
10-18 The RMS Database