
rmsquery – Submits SQL queries to the RMS database
rmsquery [-huv] [-d name] [-m machine] [SQLquery]
-d name Select database by name.
-h Display the list of options.
-m machine Select database by machine name.
-u Print dates as seconds since January 1st 1970. The default is to print
dates as a string created with localtime(3).
-v Verbosely prints field names above each column of output.
rmsquery is used to submit SQL queries to the RMS database. Users are restricted to
using the select statement to extract information from the database. System
administrators may also submit SQL statements that update the database: create,
delete, drop, insert and update. Note that queries modifying the database are
When used without arguments, rmsquery operates interactively and a sequence of
commands can be issued.
When used interactively, rmsquery supports GNU readline and history mechanisms.
Type history to see recent commands, use Ctrl/p and Ctrl/n to step back and
forward through them. The tables command lists the tables in the selected database.
The command fields followed by the name of a table lists the fields in a table. The
command verbose toggles printing of field names. To quit interactive mode, type
Ctrl/d or exit or quit.
rmsquery is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See
http://www.gnu.org for details and more information on GNU readline and history.
5-42 RMS Commands