
Day-to-Day Operation
In the current release, any requests that are suspended when a partition is
stopped must be resumed manually if the partition is restarted.
9.4 Day-to-Day Operation
Once the system is up and running, give some thought to automating some routine or
day-to-day operations:
Periodic shift changes
Backing up the database
Summarizing accounting data
Archiving data
Database maintenance
You may also want to configure nodes out of the system in the event of failures.
9.4.1 Periodic Shift Changes
The commands for switching between configurations are described in Section 9.3.3.
When you are satisfied with the shift changes, install a cron job to perform them
9.4.2 Backing Up the Database
As soon as the RMS installation is stable, back up the database to a text file so that it
can be recovered in the event of failure. Do this as follows, using rmstbladm, the table
administration program (see Page 5-44).
$ rmstbladm -d > database_backup.txt
The backup file contains the sequence of SQL statements required to recover the current
state of the database.
The RMS database is stored in /var/rms/msqldb on the rmshost node. The database
server will exit if this file system fills up. RMS will not operate until sufficient space has
been created in this file system. Ensure that there is at least 100MB free to allow for
updates. The database server can be restarted using the script /sbin/init.d/msqld.
Setting up RMS 9-5