
The RMS Database
10.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the tables which make up the RMS database. Each machine has
its own database, called rms_ machine, where machine is the name of the machine.
This allows a single database server to support multiple machines.
The database contains tables storing information on the following:
The configuration of the machine: its nodes and the Compaq AlphaServer SC
The users of the machine: the access controls and resource quotas applied to them;
their requests to run jobs; the accounting records for these jobs
The operation of the machine, including its current state and performance statistics
10.1.1 General Information about the Tables
All of the field names in the database are case sensitive.
Fields are of these types:
char(length) This denotes a character string of the specified length.
int This denotes an integer value.
% This denotes a percentage value stored in an integer field.
UTC This denotes a UTC time value stored in an integer field.
The RMS Database 10-1