
Link Status Values
B.2 Generic Status Values
There are three generic status values:
ok This state means that an object is functioning correctly as far as the
relevant RMS daemon can tell.
error This state means that one or more errors have been detected. A
description of the problem will be found in the event record.
unknown This state means that the RMS daemon responsible for an object
either has not run or is unable to determine the state of the object.
Where an object, such as a switch board, has many component status values, the ok
state means that all component values are ok. If one or more of the components are in
error then the status will be error.
B.3 Job Status Values
The status of each job is stored in the status field of the jobs table. It is updated by
the partition manager when the job is started, suspended, resumed or completed. Valid
job status strings are shown in
Table B.1.
Table B.1: Job Status Values
Status Description
running Processes are scheduled
suspended All processes are suspended
finished All processes have exited
hung One or more nodes is not responding
aborted User aborted job
failed Job failed
killed Job was killed by a signal
expired Time limit expired
syskill Job was killed by an administrative user
unknown Partition is blocked or down
If a job is killed because one of the nodes it was running on has crashed or was
configured out then its final status value will be failed.
B-2 RMS Status Values