Listing of Tables
transaction outputs contains output from requests posted to the transaction log
request types describes output formats in the transaction outputs table
statistics lists the performance statistics available in the current release
services describes the services available and who can use them
10.2 Listing of Tables
This section lists the tables in alphabetical order.
10.2.1 The Access Controls Table
The access_controls table shown in Table 10.1, contains access control and usage
limit descriptions for users and projects.
Table 10.1: Access Controls Table
Field Type Description
name char(16) name of the user or project
class char(8) class of control: user or project
partition char(16) partition to which access controls apply
priority int default scheduling priority
maxcpus int maximum number of CPUs
memlimit int maximum memory per CPU in megabytes
An entry for the reserved partition name default specifies the priority, maxcpus
and maxmem that should apply for any partition names not explicitly specified.
The priority field stores the default scheduling priority of jobs submitted by a user or
project. The higher the value, the more likely the job is to run. Priority values range
from 0 to 100, the default being 50.
The maxcpus field stores the maximum number of CPUs that a user or project may have
allocated at once. Requests for more than this number of CPUs fail. Once this number of
CPUs is allocated, additional requests block until some CPUs are freed.
The memlimit field stores the default memory limit per CPU for jobs submitted by the
named user or project.
10.2.2 The Accounting Statistics Table
Each time CPUs are allocated to a request, a record is created in the accounting
statistics (acctstats) table shown in Table 10.2. Records are updated periodically and
10-4 The RMS Database