
prun – Runs a parallel program
prun [-hIOrstv] [-B base] [-c cpus] [-e mode] [-i mode] [-o mode]
[-N nodes | all] [-n procs] [-m block | cyclic] [-P project]
[-p partition] [-R request] program [args ...]
-B base Specifies the number of the base node (the first node to use) in the
partition. Numbering within the partition starts at 0. By default, the
base node is unassigned, leaving the scheduler free to select nodes
that are not in use.
-c cpus Specifies the number of CPUs required per process (default 1).
-h Display the list of options.
-I Allocate CPUs immediately or fail. By default, prun blocks until
resources become available.
-e mode Specifies how standard error output is redirected. Valid values for
mode and their meanings are described below.
-i mode Specifies how standard input is redirected. Valid values for mode and
their meanings are described below.
-o mode Specifies how standard output is redirected. Valid values for mode
and their meanings are described below.
-m block | cyclic
Specifies whether to use block (the default) or cyclic distribution of
processes over nodes.
-N nodes | all
Specifies the number of nodes required. To use all nodes in a partition
select the all argument as follows: prun -N all. If the number of
nodes is not specified then the RMS scheduler will allocate one CPU
per process.
RMS Commands 5-11